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Before that however, there is the funeral. This morning I woke up karen walker eyewear with a hard knot of apprehension in my stomach and I still hadn't decided what to wear. Bearing in mind that a good part of the day will be spent on trains, in cars and on my feet, and that my mind will be on many other things, I need something I feel entirely comfortable and happy wearing. I need something that will help me feel dignified and strong while at the same time somehow lifting the spirits. Something stylish. You would think that dressing for a funeral would be an absolute doddle – it's black, isn't it, or at least something sombre and muted? Well, not on this occasion it isn't, for the Aged Parent has wrongfooted us all by stipulating in his will that he wants "no black mourning clothes, only bright colours". OK then, Pa – final karen walker sunglasses gauntlet thrown down and accepted.
Funeral dressing is, I think, another subject that doesn't get much written about. Of course other things are more important but to me it feels right to dress respectfully and well. Debrett's (always the place to look if in doubt) advises that "it is still appropriate and expected that the dress of all those attending a funeral should be sombre". Not much help in this case and, as a borderline ginger, I'm quite timid about bright colours in a big solid block. I tend to avoid any bright colour that might clash (almost everything) and in turn that translates into a wardrobe consisting almost entirely of black, white and neutrals. I do add colour but I prefer to do it with thierry lasry sunglasses accessories, nail polish, jewellery and lipstick.
From too much experience of attending funerals of the young, I know that it is now accepted and appropriate to wear things on a theme of something beloved by the deceased. The last one I attended was "butterflies" and my contribution was in the pattern of my waistcoat and in my butterfly cravat pin. The whole gothic ensemble was topped off with a vintage tailcoat, which the cat weed on the next day and was, with hindsight, just him passing judgement but it did feel somehow right to wear something I knew my young friend would have loved, even if it wasn't to my taste.